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Pet Examination

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cat getting examined by the vet
guinea pig getting examined by the vet

Our Practise Garden Allows us to Take A Better Look At Animals During Their Health Check

Did you know the majority of conditions household animals are susceptible to have no obvious symptoms? Additionally, pets are good at hiding pain. For that reason, it is extremely important your pet is receiving a thorough health check once a year to ensure they’re healthy and happy.

At Elm House Veterinary Centre we see a number of patients every week for their annual health check. This allows us to monitor their development and make sure they’re not at risk of developing any harmful conditions.

When you bring your pet to see us they will be examined from nose to tail, with particular attention being paid to their eyes, ears, teeth, skin, claws and coat. They will then have their heart and lungs listened to, before having their abdomen checked for any abnormalities.

Veterinary Surgeon
Kirsten Putley

“Having a garden at our practice means we’re able to take animals outside for further health checks. We may wish to see pets walk, run or jump which helps us come to educated conclusions about any potential problems they may be experiencing.”

Once the vet or nurse is satisfied no aspect of your pet’s health has been missed, you will be given plenty of opportunity to discuss any results or concerns regarding your pet’s wellbeing.

You will be happy to know that at our practice we pride ourselves on our ability to communicate as well with humans as we do with pets.