Our Free Nurse Clinics Are Designed To Offer You Help And Advice
When it comes to raising an animal you may need a little help and advice from time to time, especially with your first pet. Maybe you need advice about the right diet and correct amount to feed your pet? Perhaps the best flea and worming control?
At Elm House Veterinary Centre our friendly and professional nurses hold a number of clinics designed to help you raise a healthy and happy pet. Whether you have a question you’d like answering, or require some advice regarding a specific area of veterinary health, we’re here to help.
Our Free Nurse Clinics Include
- General health examinations and 6 month check-ups to ensure your pet has no signs of potential problems
- Post-operative clinics to monitor your pet’s recovery and re-dress wounds
- Flea and worm clinics where you will receive information about which symptoms to look out for, treatments appropriate for your pet and how to prevent your pet from catching parasites
- Dental clinics where your pet’s teeth and gums will be checked and you will receive advice about keeping your companion’s mouth healthy
- Weight clinics – similar to weightwatchers meetings – where your pet’s weight will be monitored and you will be able to discuss your companion’s diet and exercise plans
- Geriatric clinics – a thorough health check of your pet from head to tail with the option of a blood test to check your pets health. Also advice on diet and joint supplements.
- Small animal clinics offering advice and health checks for creatures such as rats, mice and gerbils
- Behavioural clinics to discuss your pet’s behaviour and how well they respond to you and strangers
- Tick removal should your pet ever need it
Additional Clinics Our Nurses Offer, But That Incur A Small Fee Include:
- Microchipping – Click here for more information
- Claw clipping – this is particularly important for rabbits and guinea pigs who can’t necessarily keep their claws short naturally
- Anal gland expression – A procedure required for some dogs when the glands become impacted and cause irritation and discomfort
- Ear cleaning – pets are susceptible to ear infections so this is particularly important
Please note: Our nurse clinics are by appointment only. They are also not for unwell animals. If your pet is ill you should book an appointment with a vet.
Additionally, our nurse clinics are free but should a vet need to be called, or any medication prescribed, you will be charged.
Have Any Questions?
- 01245 352525
- info@elmhousevets.co.uk